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Washington Mental Health
Counselors Association


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Vicarious Trauma & Compassion Fatigue: Recognize, Mitigate, & Thrive-With Alexa Alberts, LICSW

  • 02/25/2025
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Live Synchronous Zoom Event
  • 0


  • You must have the discount code to use this ticket.
  • For Members Only - must be logged in to the website to receive this price.
  • This is for members of other Mental Health Counseling Chapters chartered through AMHCA.
  • For WMHCA Student Members. Must be logged in to website to receive this price.

Registration is closed


This course explores the importance of recognizing, mitigating, and managing Vicarious Trauma, which is the cumulative effects of witnessing other peoples’ trauma. Vicarious Trauma is a normal component of the helping profession and understanding Vicarious Trauma is a key to successfully caring for others and ourselves. This class gives learners a deeper understanding of signs and symptoms of Vicarious Trauma, discusses key factors in managing and mitigating Vicarious Trauma, and prompts learners to consider their own Vicarious Trauma management plan moving forward via self-care and collective-care strategies.


Participants will be able to:

  • To understand definitions, signs, and symptoms of Vicarious Trauma before  and after they negatively impact quality of services delivered and mental health of provider
  • To learn the risk-factors for increased adverse effects of Vicarious Trauma, including the roles systemic oppression play
  • Increase awareness of self-care and collective-care tools to manage Vicarious Trauma symptoms as a means of bolstering professional sustainability and compassion satisfaction

About the Presenter:

Lexi Alberts, LICSW has over 10 years of experience working in social services with survivors of violence. Her focus has been supporting unhoused populations, BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ communities, and sexual assault advocacy. Lexi is now a staff trainer, consultant, and multicultural therapist in private practice in Olympia, WA. Lexi's primary focus is on addressing the impacts of burnout, vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue in the workplace. Lexi helps agencies bolster professional sustainability and compassion satisfaction in their staff and leadership.

WMHCA Cancellation Policy: To receive a refund, less a $15 cancellation fee, cancellations must be made by contacting at least 48 hours prior to workshop date. There will be no refunds within 48 hours of the workshop date. Please make sure you have the link 24 hours prior to the event starting.  

This course is approved for  3 CE hours for LMHCs, LMFTs, LCSWs, and all  associate-level licensees in Washington State.

Washington Mental Health Association (WMHCA) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 2079. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. WMHCA is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

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