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Washington Mental Health
Counselors Association


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Thank you for considering donating directly towards WMHCA's scholarship initiative.  Your donation will make a difference for someone who is pursuing a master's or doctoral degree in clinical mental health counseling or related field.

NOTE: Contributions to WMHCA's scholarship initiative are not deductible as a charitable contribution on the donor’s federal income tax return. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses if ordi­nary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer’s business. Donors should consult an accountant.  WMHCA will list donor contributions on our website.

100% of of all donations go directly to our scholarship fund. WMHCA covers processing fees. The donation form is below. 

Donation Tiers

Bronze: $20

  • Acknowledged on WMHCA website.

Silver: $100

  • Acknowledged on WMHCA website.
  • Link to your website from WMHCA website.

Gold: $250

  • Acknowledged on WMHCA website.
  • Link to your website from WMHCA website.
  • Mentioned on WMHCA's Facebook page.

Platinum: $500 and Up

  • All the above
  • Mentioned in WMHCA's Scholarship Announcement

If you would like to mail a check, please indicate clearly what the donation is for.

11410 NE 124th St. #658

Kirkland, WA 98034

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Credentials or Title
Write Student if you are a student.
To have this displayed publicly you must opt in using your profile privacy settings.
*Personal Phone Number
To have this displayed publicly you must opt in using your profile privacy settings. This can be your place of business, school, or employment setting.
Department of Health Credential Number
To have this displayed publicly you must opt in using your profile privacy settings. If you are a student write student.
*Street (Home Addrerss)
*City (Home Address)
*Zip Code (Home Address)
Only whole numbers are accepted.
County (Home Address)
*Amount ($USD)
Payment frequency
If you would like us to link your website, please include url.
Feel free to leave a comment or inspirational message. Messages will be posted on our website.

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Washington Mental Health Counselors Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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