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Washington Mental Health
Counselors Association

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The Washington Mental Health Counselor Association is accepting nominations for the board for the 2025-2026 cycle. WMHCA is passionate about supporting clinicians through education, advocacy, and membership outreach. 

WMHCA is accepting nominations for secretary, graduate student representative, president-elect and general board members.  Any member of WMHCA is able to apply for these positions if they have been a member for at least one year.

Qualifications and Commitment of a WMHCA Board Member

  • Has been a member in good standing for at least 1 year.

  • Have been actively engaged in WMHCA or other non-profit organizations. 

  • Are dedicated to the field of clinical mental health counseling, who embody expertise in areas such as ethics, state regulations, private practice, community mental health, integrated care, or education.

  • Are able to attend board meetings and serve on at least one committee.

  • Are committed to WMHCA’s mission of promoting human dignity, anti-racism, anti-ableism, education, and public policy advocacy.

  • Are collaborative, strategic thinkers who want to help shape the future of mental health in Washington

  • Committed to attend board meetings and to serve on one WMHCA committee.

  • Committed to attend required board trainings and onboarding meetings.

Terms start July 1, 2025

  • The secretary serves a 2-year term.

  • The graduate student representatives serve a 1-year term

  • General board members serve a 2-year term.

  • President-Elect serves a 3-year term. (1 year as president elect, 1 year as president, 1 year as past-president)

Roles and Responsibilities


Role: The role of the president-elect is to serve is to serve as a voting member of the WMHCA board and ensure and even and thoughtful leadership transition. Must have served on the WMHCA board for at least a year prior to running for president-elect.

Responsibilities Include:

  1. In the absence of the president, the assume the role of president with all of its authority and responsibility.  
  2. Serve on the WMHCA executive committee.
  3. Serve as liaison to WMHCA committees and task forces and/or other WMHCA entities as assigned, and to other organizations, institutions, and associations as appropriate.

  4. Responsibilities as requested at all board meetings, or by the president. 
  5. Assist in the identification and mentoring of members to serve in any upcoming vacancies or expired appointed positions.

  6. Plan and implement activities to provide transition for incoming and outgoing board members.

  7. Provide articles for the newsletter.

  8. Chair the Nominations Task Force.
  9. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees and task forces


Role: The role of the secretary is to oversee the recording of all WMHCA business and to ensure accurate records are available to board members. Must have served on the WMHCA board for at least a year prior to running for president-elect.

Responsibilities Include:

  1. Ensuring minutes of board meetings are taken, reviewed, and submitted.
  2. Ensure minutes are taken during any executive committee meeting of the board.

  3. Causing all official action to be appropriately placed in the Policies and  Procedure Manual and the Policies and Procedure Manual updated on annual basis.

  4. Providing the Newsletter with a narrative of board meetings.

  5. Serving as a member of the executive committee.

  6. Ensuring official board meeting notes are maintained and posted in a manner compliant with the bylaws and other legal documents.

  7. Ensuring the bylaws and other legal documents are reviewed and reflect board practices. 

  8. Keeping bylaws and WMHCA's record in alignment.

  9. Serve as ex-officio member of committees and task forces.

Graduate Student Representative

Role: The role of graduate student representative is to oversee outreach to student members and graduate students and bring these voices back to the board. 

Responsibilities Include:

  1. Serve on the membership committee.
  2. Provide voice for WMCHA student members.
  3. Participate in outreach and activities in the graduate student community.
  4. Other duties as assigned.

General Board Member

Role: The of the board is to establish and oversee the implementation of the programs and policies of WMCHA.

Responsibilities Include:

  1. To conduct, manage, and control the business of the association through the adoption of programs and policies.

  2. Act on the reports of committees and task forces,

  3. Provide feedback on job performance of the executive director.

  4. Implementing or attending annual leadership training activities at the state or regional level.

  5. Exercise other responsibilities as necessary  in the best interest of the association.

  6. Attend board meetings. 

  7. Apply and participate on at least one committee.

  8. Advocate and represent WMHCA publicly and professionally as an industry-leading professional organization for mental heath practitioners.

  9. Recruit new board members.

Please submit your application by March 7th, 2025 at 5:00 PM.  You will be notified by March 14, 2025 if your nomination was accepted. Incomplete applications or applications that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.

The ballot for elections will close on April 4, 2025, and new board members will be announced at the annual meeting on April 11, 2025.   

WMHCA encourages anyone interested in serving on the board to start attending our board meetings and committee meetings. WMHCA Calendar of Events

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