Washington Mental Health Counselors Association

Washington Mental Health Scholarship Opportunities

The Washington Mental Health Counselor's Association is proud to announce that scholarship applications are now being accepted.  The graduate student scholarships are part of WMHCA’s commitment to increasing the representation of historically marginalized individuals within the field of counseling and increasing access to culturally responsive counseling for under-served communities.

For 2024, WMHCA is offering one competitive $1000 scholarship to the most outstanding applicant. All other applicants who meet the eligibility criteria will be entered into a lottery for $500 scholarships. WMHCA is committed to providing at least eight $500 scholarships. Additional scholarships may be available based on member contributions to the scholarship fund.

WMHCA invites all counseling and counselor education students who meet criteria to apply. 

If you would like to learn more about WMHCA's scholarships either to apply or donate click the button below.

The application deadline is October 31st, 2024.

WMHCA Scholarship Information