Washington Mental Health Counselors Association


Hello {Contact_First_Name},

WMHCA Insurance Task Force is seeking input regarding your experiences working with healthcare insurance in the areas of: credentialing, contracting, client benefits, the benefits verification process, claims and claims processing, reimbursements and reimbursement rates, as well as overall provider relations.

Whether you direct bill, or contract with a private biller, whether you are a provider or an administrator working for providers, your input and experiences are invaluable.

This survey is intended for behavioral healthcare providers and administrators who directly interact with insurance companies. If you do not interact with and/or bill insurance directly, but have in the past please answer questions 1-12 only.

This is an in-depth survey.  You may stop at any point and return to finish completing it later.

Best Regards,

Washington Mental Health Counselors Association

WMHCA Insurance Survey