WMHCA is requesting proposals for the recent WA DOH Health Equity requirement. Please review the requirements in this link to the WA DOH and consider submitting a proposal using the link at the end of this email. Workshops must be a minimum of 2 credit hours to meet the requirement for healthcare professionals.
In addition, proposals must include implicit bias training to identify strategies to reduce bias during assessment and diagnosis and must include at least one additional area:
Instruction on skills to address the structural factors, such as bias, racism, and poverty, that manifest as health inequities.
Trainers must have demonstrated knowledge and experience related to health equity. Research must be based on current empirical research and known best practices.
Proposals will remain open on a continuous basis and reviewed upon receipt.
Health Equity Training Standards
As of January 1, 2024 all providers licensed under Title 18 must take two (2) continuing education credits of health equity training every four (4) years. This includes associates.
The training must:
Include implicit bias training to identify strategies to reduce bias during assessment and diagnosis and may include, but is not limited to, at least one of the topics below
- Instruction on skills to address the structural factors, such as bias, racism, and poverty, that manifest as health inequities.
- Self-reflection to assess how the licensee's social position can influence their relationship with clients and their communities.
- Strategies for recognizing patterns of health care disparities on an individual, institutional, and structural level and eliminating factors that influence them.
- Intercultural communication skills training, including how to work effectively with an interpreter and how communication styles differ across cultures
Have trainers with demonstrated knowledge and experience related to health equity. Research referenced in the training must be based on current empirical research and known best practices.
The courses must assess the licensee's ability to apply health equity concepts into practice
- An assessment at the end of an in-person or virtual continuing education training to determine knowledge gained during that training or
- A document provided at the end of an in-person or virtual continuing education training that attests to attendance at the training.
Other topics that meet the requirements are: